
Giving good feedback is a crucial skill but a difficult process with many pitfalls and potentials for doing more harm than good. Nevertheless it is an essential process for increasing skills and team efficacy. Doing it well increases psychological safety.
  • 7 chapters

  • Reusable prep templates

  • On-the-job implementation exercises

  • Effective meeting tool and DATE tool to make you shine

About this course

This course will teach you how to:
Become a master of giving and receiving feedback
Build a learning culture
Deliver feedback that is relevant and useful
Optimise your culture for continuous learning
[DESCRIPTION ABOUT COURSE] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed convallis, felis quis laoreet ullamcorper, erat eros interdum velit, non finibus turpis est scelerisque tortor. Curabitur lacus velit, molestie sit amet magna ac, rutrum molestie nulla. Mauris viverra porta urna, id pellentesque turpis finibus vel. Nam porta euismod risus, non elementum leo lacinia sed. Ut quis ornare massa. Mauris ultrices porttitor nisi at imperdiet. Pellentesque euismod vestibulum mauris, ut aliquam enim cursus sed. Fusce varius cursus lorem in iaculis. Nunc at dapibus lacus.

Deliver feedback that is relevant and useful

Learn how to improve everyone's skills and behaviour.

Work with the nervous sytem - not against it

Gain an understanding of the typical effect of feedback and how to work with it.

Make feedback available to everyone

Make feedback and learning a common and continuous goal.

Optimise your culture for continuous learning

Improve work processes and well-being by building a learning culture.

Modules in this course

What other students had to say 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed convallis, felis quis laoreet ullamcorper, erat eros interdum velit, non finibus turpis est scelerisque tortor. 
Nick Davis
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed convallis, felis quis laoreet ullamcorper, erat eros interdum velit, non finibus turpis est scelerisque tortor. 
Nick Davis
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed convallis, felis quis laoreet ullamcorper, erat eros interdum velit, non finibus turpis est scelerisque tortor. 
Nick Davis

Frequently asked questions

Do I need to complete the course in one go?


How do I pay for the course?


How long will I have access to the course for?
