
As new CEO, Malene was really testing the concept of transferable skills. Bringing what you are brilliant at in one position to the next position – even when you change career path. Starting her career as a healthcare professional most probably established Malene’s focus on proudly sharing mistakes and learning together to win together. And winning together is based on a culture of trust.
"Teambuilding with combined fun and professional exercises brought us closer together and formed a basis for building trust."

- Malene, CEO ResMed 

So what happened?

After a period of organisational changes and as a new director, Malene saw the need to secure common ground and strengthen collaboration in the organisation. We agreed different interventions, where one stood out: spicing up Lysnas’ research-based team performance best practices with fun in the forest. The event for the whole team turned out more epic than we could ever imagine. 
The ResMed people who had just come out of the shutdown, fantastic summer weather, both fun and demanding collaborative exercises in the forest and a team self-made three-course menu with good wines in the evening, created a long-lasting memory and stronger bonds in the team.



Important questions were:
After leadership changes— how do we gear up the whole organisation for increased demands from the market?
What to do to accelerate optimal collaboration and happiness at work? 
How to deal with lock-down fatigue? 


1. Building confidence via seeing and accepting differences in communication and behaviour.
DiSC behavioural profile, decoding the test results by everyone standing on a scale as 'pieces on the board'.

2. Building trust via opening to each other during a long day together with team building activities in the woods.


We discovered our behavioural similarities and differences. It's fine to read your behaviour test, but standing among your colleagues - sensing the diversity, gave us a deeper understanding of each other.

Teambuilding with combined fun and professional exercises brought us closer together and formed a basis for building trust.